Profile Wizard

Let AI help you create a standout freelancing profile and grow your business.

Some steps for a strong freelancing profile

A freelancing profile is a way to present your skills and experience to potential clients and highlight the value you can bring to their projects. Here are some steps you can follow to create a strong freelancing profile.

Choose a professional profile picture

This will be the first thing that clients see when they visit your profile, so make sure it presents you in a positive light.

Write an engaging summary

This is a short paragraph that introduces you and your skills to potential clients. Be sure to highlight your relevant experience, education, and any unique skills or qualifications you have.

Create a detailed list of your skills

Include all of the skills and expertise you have acquired through your education and work experience. Be sure to include any relevant software or tools you are proficient in using.

Include a list of your past experience

This should include any relevant jobs, internships, or projects you have completed in the past. Be sure to include details about your responsibilities and any notable achievements.

Add examples of your work

Attach samples of your work to your profile, such as links to online portfolios, PDFs, or any other relevant documents or media.

Collect client reviews

If you have worked with clients in the past, ask them to leave a review of your work on your profile. These reviews can help build your reputation and increase your chances of getting hired for new projects.

Use keywords in your profile

Many clients use keyword searches to find freelancers with specific skills or experience. Be sure to include relevant keywords in your summary, skills list, and job titles to increase your visibility.

Set your hourly rate and availability

Be sure to set a competitive hourly rate that reflects your skills and experience, and be realistic about your availability so that clients know when they can expect you to be available for work.